Beginning of an Era

Posted by BTsume | | Posted On Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 11:26 PM

Welcome one and all to a blog by me, for you...This is Titus's Advantage, a Magic: The Gathering strategy and news blog written by yours truly, a Titus. What is a Titus you say? Well, in the next few mins, let's find out...

"On May 07 in the year 2007, Mark Rosewater introduced us to Melvin and Vorthos. If you haven’t met these two, please read Melvin and Vorthos by Maro. Even if you have, it is still an enjoyable read. It is my belief that there is a third demographic to complete this triad. I call him Titus. If you haven’t ever recognized the third, it is perfectly understandable. The presence of Titus is subtle and difficult to pin down. If you have a moment, I would like to introduce you to our neglected member of the Magic family.

Ever watch the show Frasier? When I think of Melvin and Vorthos, Dr. Niles and Frasier Krane come to mind. These TV characters dive deep into the philosophy of about anything on the show. I like to think of them as intellectual junkies. They must continually analyze and inspect every thought-provoking question to get their continual fix. It can be anything from the complexities of the human mind to the subtleties of a fine wine. In the show Frasier, Titus would be Mr. Martin Crane. Starting to get the picture? Titus is the blue-collar psychological aspect of the Magic Community, in a sense. "

from Off Topic: Meet Titus, MTG Salvation

Well, long story short, a Titus is a magic player who, for our definition, runs the most straightforward cards, build on power because just that: They're powerful. It's not a Spike type of thing, as Titus doesn't need to be a high level tournament player, but rather it likes to take on everything.

Another example. My deck of choise has always been The Rock. Currently it's build is G/B elvsish with Putrid Leech, Maelstrom Pulse, Collosus, and Great Sable Stag (a note on this card. Titus doesn't normally like hosers, but GSS is so powerful it's crazy. Try Bit blasting him, and I'll laugh.)


Of course none of that really matters, right? I just wanted to explain the name choice. As for the blog itself, this will be a catch-all. I photoshop a bit, Role play on an awesome forum called Anime Redux, and play alot of Magic. We'll all see how much I can improve my play as well as write interesting peices over the next so often, and to everyone reading this. Make sure you comment to give positive or negative thins about my blogging...I migt not change for you, but at least I'll know you're out there listening.


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